Welcome to CollegeNET!

Our services are backed by over 40 years of innovation and dedication to customer service, and we strive to provide the best, most responsive customer service of all the vendors you work with.

This article is a comprehensive look at the help resources CollegeNET offers. It is intended to be used by anyone who wants information on the available resources and how to access them, and/or specific information about contacting your CollegeNET support team.

Please refer to this guide when you have questions about contacting CollegeNET for support. The steps outlined in it will assist us in solving your problem in the quickest, most efficient way possible.

ApplyWeb Customer Support & Your Implementation Manager

Every customer at CollegeNET has access to ApplyWeb Customer Support, who will work with you on an ongoing basis. During the implementation process, your Implementation Manager will guide you through the process and is available if you have any questions or comments. If you're unsure of your  Implementation Manager, click the Submit a Request button on the top right.

Types of help

ApplyWeb Customer Support offers the following help resources freely available to you at any time from our ApplyWeb technical help sites:

  • ApplyWeb Forms help articles and Frequently Asked Questions
  • Admit and Prospect CRM Documentation and Community Forum
  • Tutorial Videos
  • Webinars
  • Request forms sent directly to ApplyWeb Customer Support

Help services

The following items are considered help services:

  • Answers to, confirmation of, and/or evaluation of problems related to the installation, implementation, or use of ApplyWeb products.
  • Evaluation of and/or confirmation of reported software bugs.
  • Answers to questions about how a product works, beyond the information provided in our training courses and documentation.
  • Requesting applicant refunds, adding new users, and updating your forms.

Accessing our Customer Support Centers

ApplyWeb Forms Customer Care Center

  1. Log into ApplyWeb Forms Management at https://admin.applyweb.com/mason/.
  2. From the Welcome page click on Customer Care Center.
  3. From the Customer Care Center you can access our interactive tutorials, read FAQs, or view past webinars.

CRM Support Center

  1. Log into your Admit or Prospect CRM.
  2. From your user menu in the top right corner, click on Help. The user menu looks slightly different depending on if you’re using ApplyWeb CRM or Classic Mode.
  3. From the CRM Support Center you can access CRM Documentation and Community Forums. You can also view your support requests or submit a new support request under My Activities in your user menu. Your activities page can be accessed directly at https://admithelp.collegenet.support/hc/en-us/requests, but you must be logged into the CRM.

Getting technical help

Who can request help?

Typically, your institution’s authorized CollegeNET contacts should request help from our Help Desk. If we receive a support request from an unknown contact, we may need to verify their identity with a previously authorized contact at your institution for security. When your institution’s contact reports a a problem using the Submit a Request button, our Help Desk staff assigns a help ticket number that stays open until the problem is resolved. This enables us to have immediate access to the history of your issue and provides you with a point of contact for discussing the issue.

ApplyWeb Customer Support hours

Our Help Desk staff is available via email from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, but you can send an email or support request at any time. During peak season, we respond to applicant and recommender email on Sundays, and we also extend our hours to 6:00 am - 6:00 pm (12:00 am on peak filing dates). If a support ticket is opened outside standard hours, our response is generally within one business day.

ApplyWeb Customer Support contact information

What to do before Submitting a Request

Before submitting a request, do the following:

  1. Check the appropriate Customer Support Center (ApplyWeb Forms or CRM) for articles, FAQs, or Community posts addressing your request.
  2. Determine the priority of your request.
  3. Collect the information you need to describe your request.
  4. Determine whether you want to make a post in the Community or Submit a Request to the Help Desk
  5. Make a post in the Community at https://clientapp.collegenet.support/hc/en-us/community/topics and wait for responses from ApplyWeb Customer Support and other ApplyWeb experts and users.
  6. Alternatively, click the Submit a Request button on the top right and fill out the form.  

Please Note: If you are not your institution’s authorized CollegeNET contact, describe your problem to your contact, who can then contact the Help Desk.

Describing your Request

  1. When submitting a request, please have the following information available:
    • Your name and institution.
    • The product your request is related to: ApplyWeb Form, Admit, or Prospect.
  2. If ApplyWeb Form, the form code(s) affected.
    • Any relevant attached files including request spreadsheets and screenshots.
    • A description of the impact the request
      • A detailed description of the request, including any error messages you’ve received.
    • If this is change requests, any relevant attachments, including spreadsheets, data files, and PDFs. 
    • If this is an issue or problem, please include the browser you’re using.
    • If this is an issue or problem, write down the exact steps taken that resulted in the problem, including any error messages.
      Please Note: You may want to take a screen capture of the error message and send it to us.
    • If this is an issue or problem, follow the steps you took again to see if you can reproduce the problem.

How ApplyWeb Customer Support handles your request

ApplyWeb Customer Support uses a ticket reporting and tracking application that allows us to log your reported problem and assign it to the appropriate person based on the information you’ve given us.

If ApplyWeb Customer Support is able to address the request quickly, they do so. However, if the request requires gathering additional information, testing, or research, the person assigned to your ticket will be in contact with you periodically until the request is resolved and the help ticket closed.

Giving us feedback

CollegeNET welcomes your comments on how requests are handled and anything else. We hope you’ll take the time to complete the follow-up survey that is sent to you after a ticket is resolved. Please feel free to use the Submit a Request button anytime with feedback regarding your CollegeNET services.

Implementation assistance

When you become our customer, you’re assigned an Implementation Manager. You Implementation Manager and ApplyWeb Customer Support are your main contacts whenever you have any questions related to your ApplyWeb implementation—implementation planning, the level of training you need, rolling out your solution on campus, and so on. Your Implementation Manager can also help when you add to your existing ApplyWeb products.

ApplyWeb Customer Support can also assist with implementation tasks. If you’re unsure of your Implementation manager, click the Submit a Request button on the top right and ApplyWeb Customer Support will put you in contact.


On-site implementation services and training are available for an additional fee. Click the Submit a Request button on the top right if you’re interested in on-site implementation services.

Can’t find the resource or service you need?

If the kind of help you need is not described in this document, click the Submit a Request button on the top right for more assistance.


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